User Hub
Users can optionally hide the Learning Center and instead show the User Hub (below). The User Hub consists of a collage of existing content displayed on the home page of the main client interface for Pyramid.
The user hub is defined by the Admin, but each user can edit their own view of the user hub.
Default Home Page
The Hub tools are also available from the Admin console, where Admins can build and implement Hub templates for the homepage, Admin summaries panel, and for embedding.
Edit the User Hub
You can easily edit your own view of the user hub. From the homepage, click the edit button (red arrow in the image above), then click "Add new tab" (red arrow below). Click on the tab header to rename it (red highlight below).
To add content, click the new tile labeled Add Content or Widget (green highlight below), or click the Add Content or Widget button (green arrow below) from the top right corner.
The content panel will open (green highlight below); navigate through the tabs and click on an item to add it to the Hub. To add another item, click the Add Content or Widget button and repeat the process.
Drag, drop, and resize the tiles as needed. When finished, click the Save icon.
- Click here to learn more about navigating the user hub.
- Click here to learn more about customizing the user hub.
Restore Default Homepage
To discard your changes and revert back to the default User Hub, click the Reset button (yellow arrow above) in the Edit mode. The default layout is the layout defined by the Hub Template without any of your customizations.